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【高等研究院建院10周年系列学术活动(第35。縎cattering and Dynamics of Polymers (Seeking Order in Disordered Systems) A Yet-finished Story

2024年06月05日 09:20

主讲人 Charles C. Han 时间 2024年6月6日周四9:00
地址 深圳大学致知楼706


报告主题:Scattering and Dynamics of Polymers (Seeking Order in Disordered Systems) A Yet-finished Story

主讲人:Charles C. Han

时 间:2024年6月6日周四9:00

地 点:深圳大学致知楼706


Charles C. Han received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Taiwan University in 1966. He received his Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1973 and joint the National Bureau of Standards (now National Institute of Standards and Technology) in 1974. He was a research scientist, then group leader for the polymer blends group and later the multiphase materials group. He was elected as the NIST fellow in 1995. He joined the Institute of Chemistry, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002 as the chief scientist and the director for the joint laboratory of polymer science and materials. In September 2013, he joined Shenzhen University as the Dean of the Institute for Advanced Study in Shenzhen University. He is now an Emeritus Fellow from NIST and a visiting professor from University of Maryland. He has won the Bronze, silver and Gold Medal of U.S. Department of Commerce, the Samuel Wesley Stratton Award of NIST, Dillon Medal of American Physical Society, Humboldt Senior Research Award from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the High Polymer Physics Prize, American Physical Society, and the International Award of The Society of Polymers, Japan. He has published more than 400 research papers, and authored or co-authored 27 books, with a H-index of 60. He also has more than 40 US and/or Chinese patents which have been approved or disclosed.


In this talk, polymer dynamics and kinetics during phase separation, transition, and quench/jump through Temperature and/or Flow (strain) gradients, and their measurements by scattering and/or microscopy will be discussed. Examples and certain relationships with critical phenomena will be presented. With proper use of the phase transitions (including nucleation and crystal growth phenomena) and glassy state relaxation process, different structures/properties (including non-equilibrium properties) can be obtained and “stored” until in the time of use (application).

This space-time correlation approach can be very useful in many future applications, especially in the circular economy (recycle and re-use), nano-and sub-nano materials, and bio-medical devices.

This is a useful, yet wide open field for polymer physics research.

地址:深圳市南山区白石路3883号深圳大学粤海校区致知楼703澳门十大电子正规游戏网站办公室 518060



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